使用規範 Use Policy
國立臺灣大學醫學圖書館學習空間管理要點:首頁 > 關於本館 > 規章辦法
國立臺灣大學圖書館讀者違規處理辦法:總圖首頁 > 服務項目 > 閱覽服務 > 讀者違規處理辦法
I am willing to abide by the "Guidelines for Managing Learning Space of National Taiwan University Medical Library
" (hereinafter referred to as " Guidelines for Managing Learning Space ") when using the Learning Commons
(including group study room, conference room, LOHAS space, studio, video viewing room, and computers, computer lab and makerspace)
and carrels. If there is any violation, I am liable for any penalty in accordance with “Guidelines for Managing Learning Space “
and "Regulations of Conduct Violating NTU Library Rules"
Guidelines for Managing Learning Space of National Taiwan University Medical Library (in Chinese): Homepage > About > Policies
Regulations of Conduct Violating NTU Library Rules (in Chinese):Main Library Homepage > Services > Readers Services > Regulations of Conduct Library Rules
Please click “info” for further information about Use Guidelines.